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Maturation ovocytaire in vitro : l'expérience française = In vitro maturation : the French experienceLORNAGE, J.Journal de gynécologie obstétrique et biologie de la reproduction. 2006, Vol 35, Num 5, issn 0368-2315, 2S3-2S7, CAH2Conference Paper

Particularités biologiques de la reproduction en cas d'endométriose = Biological aspects of endometriosis in vitro fertilizationLORNAGE, J.Journal de gynécologie obstétrique et biologie de la reproduction. 2003, Vol 32, Num 8, pp 4S48-4S50, issn 0368-2315, CAH2Conference Paper


Localization of proteasomes in human oocytes and preimplantation embryosWOJCIK, C; BENCHAIB, M; LORNAGE, J et al.Molecular human reproduction. 2000, Vol 6, Num 4, pp 331-336, issn 1360-9947Article

Screening for Chlamydia trachomatis and Ureaplasma urealyticum infection in semen from asymptomatic male partners of infertile couples prior to in vitro fertilizationLEVY, R; LAYANI-MILON, M.-P; GISCARD D'ESTAING, S et al.International journal of andrology (Print). 1999, Vol 22, Num 2, pp 113-118, issn 0105-6263Article

Inséminations intra-utérines avec sperme du conjoint dans les indications masculines: influence de l'âge de l'homme = Uterine artificial insemination homologous in couples with male infertility: role of husband's ageMATHIEU, C; ECOCHARD, R; BIED, V et al.Andrologie (Lille). 1994, Vol 4, Num 3, pp 331-340, issn 1166-2654Article

Glycolytic activity of human spermatozoa in normospermic men and in men with abnormal spermogramsLORNAGE, J; GUERIN, J. F; CZYBA, J. C et al.Archives of andrology. 1986, Vol 16, Num 1, pp 81-88, issn 0148-5016Article

La vitrification: technique d'avenir pour la cryoconservation ovarienne ? Bases physiques de cryobiologie, avantages et limites = Vitrification: Which prospects for ovarian cryopreservation? Physical basis of cryobiology, advantages and limitsCOURBIERE, B; BAUDOT, A; MAZOYER, C et al.Gynécologie obstétrique & fertilité. 2009, Vol 37, Num 10, pp 803-813, issn 1297-9589, 11 p.Article

Pregnancy after safe IVF with hepatitis C virus RNA-positive spermLEVY, R; BOURLET, T; MAERTENS, A et al.Human reproduction (Oxford. Print). 2002, Vol 17, Num 10, pp 2650-2653, issn 0268-1161, 4 p.Article

Intra- and inter-individual variability in human sperm concentration, motility and vitality assessment during a workshop involving ten laboratoriesAUGER, J; EUSTACHE, F; LAMARTE, A et al.Human reproduction (Oxford. Print). 2000, Vol 15, Num 11, pp 2360-2368, issn 0268-1161Article

Le syndrome d'hyperstimulation ovarienne après fécondation in vitro incidence et résultats de notre protocole thérapeutique = Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome following in vitro fertilization. Incidence and results of our therapeutic protocolPAYAN, F; BOULIEU, D; LUBRANO, M. F et al.Fertilité, contraception, sexualité (1986). 1990, Vol 18, Num 5, pp 335-340, issn 0980-3904, 6 p.Article

Séparation des spermatozoïdes en gradient de Percoll: intérêt pour la fécondation in vitro (FIV) = Spermatozoa separation in Percoll gradient: value in in vitro fertilizationMATHIEU, C; GUERIN, J. F; GILLE, Y et al.Journal de gynécologie obstétrique et biologie de la reproduction. 1988, Vol 17, Num 2, pp 237-241, issn 0368-2315Article

Les prélèvements testiculaires dans les azoospermies sécrétoires : le point de vue du Biologiste de la Reproduction sur la lecture du prélèvement : Azoospermies secrétoires = The testicular sperm extraction in men with nonobstructive azoospermia : the reproduction biologist's point of view on interpretation of biopsiesLORNAGE, J; GISCARD D'ESTAING, S; LEJEUNE, H et al.Andrologie (Lille). 2001, Vol 11, Num 3, pp 127-132, issn 1166-2654Article

Freezing, thawing, and autograft of ovarian fragments in sheep : preliminary experiments and histologic assessmentSALLE, B; LORNAGE, J; FRANCK, M et al.Fertility and sterility. 1998, Vol 70, Num 1, pp 124-128, issn 0015-0282Article

Cumulative conception rate following intrauterine artificial insemination with husband's spermatozoa : influence of husband's ageMATHIEU, C; ECOCHARD, R; BIED, V et al.Human reproduction (Oxford. Print). 1995, Vol 10, Num 5, pp 1090-1097, issn 0268-1161Article

Effect of spermatozoa selection on a simplified percoll gradient in case of asthenozoospermiaMATHIEU, C; MEIN, M; LORNAGE, J et al.Andrologia. 1990, Vol 22, Num 5, pp 467-471, issn 0303-4569Article

Présence d'un antigène oncofœtal, la β2-microglobuline, dans le liquide folliculaire préovulatoire = Presence of an oncofoetal antigen, the β2-microglobulin, in ovarian preovulatory ovairian follicular fluidMONCHARMONT, P; BRUN, J; MATHIEU, C et al.La Presse médicale (1983). 1989, Vol 18, Num 9, pp 492-493, issn 0755-4982Article

Les bactériospermies en AMP: comment réaliser et interpréter une spermoculture ? Qui traiter ? Pourquoi ? Comment ? = Bacteriospermia in Assisted Reproductive Techniques: Effects of bacteria on spermatozoa and seminal plasma, diagnosis and treatmentBOITRELLE, F; ROBIN, G; LEFEBVRE, C et al.Gynécologie obstétrique & fertilité. 2012, Vol 40, Num 4, pp 226-234, issn 1297-9589, 9 p.Article

Transmission risk of hepatitis C virus in assisted reproductive techniquesLEVY, R; TARDY, J. C; BOURLET, T et al.Human reproduction (Oxford. Print). 2000, Vol 15, Num 4, pp 810-816, issn 0268-1161Article

Detection of cytomegalovirus in semen from a population of men seeking infertility evaluationLEVY, R; NAJIOULLAH, F; KEPPI, B et al.Fertility and sterility. 1997, Vol 68, Num 5, pp 820-825, issn 0015-0282Conference Paper

Uterine rupture in first or second trimester of pregnancy after in in-vitro fertilization and embryo transferARBAB, F; BOULIEU, D; BIED, V et al.Human reproduction (Oxford. Print). 1996, Vol 11, Num 5, pp 1120-1122, issn 0268-1161Article

Stratégie du transfert des embryons congelés = Protocol for transferring cryopreserved embryosGUERIN, J. F; LORNAGE, J; BOULIEU, D et al.Contraception fertilité sexualité (1973). 1989, Vol 17, Num 7-8, pp 771-773, issn 0301-861XConference Paper

Valeur prédictive des paramètres du mouvement des spermatozoïdes mesurés par vidéomicrographie dans les indications masculines de la fécondation in vitro = Predictive value of sperm movement parameters measured by videomicrography in the male indications of in vitro fertilizationLORNAGE, J; MATHIEU, C; GUERIN, J. F et al.Contraception fertilité sexualité (1973). 1989, Vol 17, Num 7-8, pp 784-786, issn 0301-861XConference Paper

Indications masculines de la FIV = The role of IVF in male infertility - National surveyPLACHOT, M; HUMEAU, C; LORNAGE, J et al.Contraception fertilité sexualité (1973). 1987, Vol 15, Num 7-8, pp 698-705, issn 0301-861XConference Paper

Technical Aspects of Laparoscopic Ovarian Autograft in Ewes After Cryopreservation by Slow-Cooling ProtocolMASSARDIER, J; COURBIERE, B; LORNAGE, J et al.Reproduction in domestic animals (1990). 2010, Vol 45, Num 1, pp 8-12, issn 0936-6768, 5 p.Article

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